RC Superintendent Tidbits
By: Mark Otten
2021-2022 will bring changes to the Rock County School District. Some changes are more
difficult than others but one change will be welcomed with open arms. Introduction to Family
and Consumer Science, Home Ec for those of us old-schoolers, will be offered as an exploratory
course for our high school age students next year. Mrs. Jane Klemesrud will be stacking more
teaching duties on top of Spanish in order to offer two sections of the FCS class. This class will
explore topics such as lifespan studies, textiles, clothing, and design, as well as fundamentals of
food and nutrition. Within each section, many topics will be discussed and explored and our
students will be exposed to some much-needed life skills and training in an area where we have
been lacking.
Bassett Grade School will be able to offer math interventions once again while also challenging
students to think outside the box. Ms. Chris Nielsen will be back at it in the music room, the
locker room, and even in the hallways bringing a unique opportunity for kids to be challenged in
their mathematical thinking. Ms. Nielsen provides targeted interventions to kids who need a
little extra help on certain concepts but she also brings math challenges to the kids who find
math to be pretty easy. Mrs. Tami Cosgrove will also be providing support in the classrooms
when it comes to math interventions. Mrs. Cosgrove brings with her the perspective of being
one of the most loved teachers, not sure if this is because of teaching PE or because she is so
nice, into a challenging role of working with students who are struggling on certain concepts.
Once thing is for sure, students who get to work with Ms. Nielsen and Mrs. Cosgrove know they will be challenged in whatever it is they are doing.