Spring Sports Pictures for High School Golf and Track will be on Thursday, April 8th at Rock County during practices.
almost 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Kindergarten Roundup 2021 April 28th 2:00-3:30
almost 4 years ago, Bobbie Anthony
Kindergarten Roundup 2021
Parents of children 0 to 5 please consider screening your child in April!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Junior High Boys Basketball, Junior High Boys Basketball uniform turn in date is on or before March 31, 2021. Please bring them washed and folded. RCHS Students please leave yours with Mrs. Fischer. KPHS students please leave yours with Mrs. Ripley, if you have not already done so. Thank you, Coach Bussinger
about 4 years ago, Bobbie Anthony
Brain Power was in full force at the NVC Quiz Bowl competition in Niobrara. The team of Alex Chavez, Ben Bruns, Paxton Smith, Ben Klemesrud, Derian Schmidt, Troy Reynolds, and Mackinzie Arnholt (not pictured) took home 3rd place honors.
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Quiz Bowl
NVC 3rd Place
Below is a link to order North Central Track apparel! https://nctrackapparel.itemorder.com/sale
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Track Season has arrived. Rock County will be hosting two track meets. Tuesday, April 6th - HS - Sandhills Invite. (No School at the HS on April, 6th.) Tuesday, April 13th - JH Knights Invite (No School at Bassett Grade School on April, 13th.) Mrs. Fischer is looking for helpers with the field events for both track meets. If you can help out please contact her here or at [email protected].
about 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
PROM INFORMATION: Banquet begins at 6:30pm Photo Schedule: Seniors: 6:00-6:15 Juniors: 6:15:6:30 Freshmen: 7:30-7:45 Sophomores: 7:45-8:00 Grand March Line-up 7:45-8:00 Grand March 8:00 Crowning to follow Grand March Additional pictures until 9pm Dance begins at 9pm
about 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Schedule for the Ainsworth Track Meet tomorrow
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Ainsworth Track Meet
The NVC Instrumental Band Concert will be live streamed tonight at 5:30 on Facebook - Rock County Public Schools. Please note that this will only be viewable live, and won't be available to watch at a later date due to copyright laws. Here is the link to watch the live feed of the concert if you don’t have Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rcpsknights/live
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Lunch Menu Changes: March 18th - Nachos, Fruit, Vegetable, Milk March 22nd - Hot Dog, Fruit, Vegetable, Milk
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Saturday, March 20 UNK Track Meet Schedule
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
UNK Track Meet
Early Bird pricing for the 2020-2021 Yearbook ends on Friday, March 19th! Be sure to visit https://yearbookforever.com/ by then so you don't miss out on the special pricing!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
UNK Meet Information Meet information and schedule https://lopers.com/sports/2010/3/11/MXC_0311100309.aspx Ticket sales (online only) https://unklopers.universitytickets.com/ T-shirt sales (online only) http://www.webacks.com/official-unk-2021- high-school-track-meet-short-sleeve-t/ Live results https://www.lopertiming.com/
about 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
The RCHS Spring Concert will be live streamed tonight at 7:00 on Facebook - Rock County Public Schools if you aren't able to make it to the live performance at the high school. Please note that this will only be viewable live, and won't be available to watch at a later date due to copyright laws.
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
The Rock County FFA Agricultural Issues team will be presenting their forum on eminent domain via Zoom on Thursday, March 18th @ 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend by joining via this Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93418253526?pwd=UlpXYUxHdFpxMTlvL3F0U0F5TU9LUT09 Meeting ID: 934 1825 3526 Passcode: 68714
about 4 years ago, Ann Dvorak
Due to adverse road conditions, Rock County Public Schools will not have school Monday, March 15. Again, Rock County Public Schools will not have school Monday, March 15.
about 4 years ago, Mark Otten
Congrats to all of these athletes for making NVC All-Conference Teams Girls Basketball 1st Team Brielle Bussinger Hunter Wiebelhaus Girls Basketball 2nd Team Jenna Hallock Girls Basketball Honorable Mention Adisyn Anderson Keely Munger Boys Basketball 1st Team Dolan Pospichal Boys Basketball Honorable Mention Carson Anderson Ben Bruns Wrestling 1st Team 106 - Tristen Krueger 126 - Zach Dickau 152 - Levi Lewis Wrestling 2nd Team 132 - Thomas Klemesrud
about 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
ATTN RCHS STUDENTS AND STAFF: There will be a vaccine clinic at the high school today and they will need plenty of parking space for everyone coming in. Students: Please park on the south side of the building, or on the hill between the track and the road. Staff: Please park on the North side of the building, east of the railing, or up in the old high school lot. This will be for today only. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Rock County Public Schools board of education voted tonight to change the mask mandate to masks being recommended, not required. However, if there is a positive COVID case identified in the building, masks will be required for 10 days to reassess the situation. If you would like us to require your child to wear a mask, please let us know by contacting the office of the appropriate building. We thank you for your continued support as we deal with an ever changing situation in our district.
about 4 years ago, Mark Otten