The North Central District Health Department will be providing free COVID tests on Mondays from 11:00 AM through 1:00 PM at the Rock County Fairgrounds. In order to be tested, you need to sign up at: www.testnebraska.com This service will be provided weekly as long as it is being utilized.

From the Rock County Booster Club:
Show your support for the NC Knights with a NEW yard sign! Click the link to place your order. Orders will be taken until September 1st. The cost is $20.00/sign or add a name for personalization for $5.00/extra.

Grades 7-12 School Pictures and Senior Banner Pictures are tomorrow, Thursday, August 20th. She will be here first thing in the morning. BGS school pictures are next week, Thursday, August 27th.

Rock County Public Schools has experienced the first positive test of someone who was in the building. Through guidance from the health department, we have notified anyone who was in close contact for more than 15 minutes and required them to quarantine according to the health departments guidance. For future cases, you will only be notified if our risk dial changes or if a member of your household needs to quarantine.

There is a carpenter on the roof at the grade school right now and he will be here for the next few days. Please stay clear of all construction equipment. Most of it will be located on the north side of the school by the office doors. The sidewalk will be roped off, however, the north doors are still accessible.

Attached is guidance from NCDHD in regards to illness. Please review this and keep in mind as you are sending your child/children back to school after an illness.

If you would like to purchase Rock County FFA Swag and support our chapter, please follow the link below to order shirts and sweatshirts. The site by MC Tees will allow you to order and pay up until September 5th.

The phones at the Grade School are working now!

The phones are currently not working at the Grade School for incoming calls. If you need to reach the elementary, please call the high school at 402-684-3411 and Brandi can transfer you to the Grade School.

Fall Sport pictures for HS Volleyball, HS Football, and HS Cross Country will be on Wednesday, August 19th at Bassett. Athletes please pick up a packet in the office.

JH Football practice will begin Monday the 17th. Practices will be every Monday thru Thursday from 4pm to 6pm, except game days and holidays. Days and times are subject to change and we will notify everyone of any changes.
All practices will be in KP the first week.
RC players will be fitted for helmets and pads this Friday after school. KP players will be fitted on Monday, the 17th before practice.

7-12 grade students will need to enter the school building at the west Main Entry doors. You will have your temperature checked as you enter. We will also check temperatures again during both lunch periods. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:30.

Preschool: Enter through the East doors to be temp checked.
K-6th: ALL students MUST enter through the NORTH doors at the elementary NO EARLIER than 7:45. They will need to be temp checked prior to entering the playground at the north entrance, and then can enter the playground through the building. Breakfast will be served from 7:45 to 8:10.
Exit doors are as follows:
PK-K East exit
1st-2nd North exit
3rd-4th South exit
5th-6th West exit

Junior High Volleyball practice begins August 17th. Please note: practice will be at Springview NOT Bassett.

Junior high volleyball practice will begin Monday, August 17th. We will begin practice that week at Bassett and there will not be a meeting prior to this. All information will be given at the first practice. Please wear workout clothes, wear gym tennis shoes, and bring your own water bottle.

Dear Parents,
A new school year is upon us, and there are many changes that all of us are working through as we prepare for the start of school on August 13th. With that being said, we would like to invite you and your students in for an open house on the evening of August 11th. Teachers in grades K-12 will be available to meet with students to introduce themselves and allow the students to get acquainted with their new classroom/s for the school year. The open house will run from 7:00-8:00 PM. and we will open the doors at 6:45 PM as we will be giving temp checks (must be under 100.4). Masks are recommended, but not required, and social distancing will be encouraged. We will have a few informational sessions for students and parents. Those sessions will take place as follows: Seventh Grade Orientation at 7:00 PM at the High School. Covid Informational Session from 7:00-7:15 PM in the High School Gym. Kindergarten Parents Meeting at 7:10 PM (again at 7:40 if necessary). Covid Informational Session from 7:30-7:45 PM in the Elementary Gym. 7th Grade Parents device informational session 7:30 PM in High School Library If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to seeing and meeting many of you!
Craig Lorenz Principal

Food boxes are gone!

There are food boxes left! All Rock County residents are welcome to come pick up a food box if you would like!

Farmers to Families was delivered again today. We will be distributing food boxes to FREE AND REDUCED families first, and if there are any leftover after that, we will send another message out and distribute to any other Rock County families who would like them. This will be the LAST WEEK that we distribute boxes. Please come to the doors on the south side of the high school and come into the kitchen. If you took food home in crates last week, please be sure to bring those back. Free and Reduced will be distributed from 11:30-12:15 TODAY, and we will distribute remaining boxes right after that.

9-12th grade students: Please take time tomorrow or Wednesday to stop in and see Mr. Dohrman about your schedule. Be sure to log into PowerSchool to see your current schedule.