Football Parent’s Night will be held next Friday night, September 11th, before the game with Humphrey Lindsay Holy Family. Football parents be at the field by 6:30 to get lined up.

Just for clarification, we are not in orange at this point but we are requiring masks starting Tuesday. As long as we are still in yellow, nothing else changes for our students. We are still in-person for education unless you have been notified by the health department that you are required to quarantine. We are hoping this will help us not reach orange or red as a district.

Congratulations to Weston Needham for being accepted into the NC Sports Club

Just a reminder to those attending the volleyball games tonight: Masks are required at Burwell. Please follow their policy.
Mrs. Fischer

Rock County Public Schools will be requiring masks for ALL students and staff starting Tuesday, September 8. The district has approved masks for students to wear or students may bring their own masks that follow our dress code. Students with medical conditions that would prevent them from safely wearing masks will need to get documentation from their medical provider stating they should not be wearing a mask for a medical condition. This documentation will need to be in the office or your child(ren) will be required to wear a mask. RCPS staff will conduct mask breaks throughout the day in accordance with the health department's guidance. This is our best bet for keeping students and staff in the buildings for in-person learning so I thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

The FFA is hosting a Brisket Feed Fundraiser on Friday, September 4th at the home football game.
We will start serving brisket at 6:00 p.m at the football field concession stand.
$8 will buy you a smoked brisket sandwich, chips, and a bottled drink. Children ages 2 and under will eat for free.
Thank you to Clay Fischer for smoking brisket for us again this year.

BGS has had another exposure to a positive case. If you require your child(ren) to wear a mask while in the building and they are exposed to another person with a mask on, they will not be required to quarantine. The more people we have with masks on, the fewer we will have put in quarantine. Please consider requiring your child(ren) to wear a mask while at school to help mitigate the spread of the virus. If BGS goes to orange on the risk dial, masks will be required of all staff and students.

HS Volleyball Triangular @ Burwell with West Holt
Game Schedule: Varsity will play in the High School Gym
Junior Varsity will play in the Elementary Gym
5:00 – Burwell Vs. North Central
6:00 – North Central Vs. West Holt
7:00 – Burwell Vs. West Holt

Information for volleyball games in Burwell - PLEASE NOTE MASKS ARE REQUIRED
To protect our students, school and community, Burwell Public Schools have adopted the following guidelines for activities in the high school building for the fall sports season.
Masks are required for everyone, except for players and coaches while participating.
Teams will not change benches in between sets.
Teams are asked to exit the gym through the southeast doors as soon as possible after the conclusion of their final match, athletes may talk to their parents outside of the school.
Visiting fans will sit in the east bleachers, immediately following the conclusion of the game they will be asked to exit the gym through the southeast doors, parents may talk to their athletes outside of the school.
Home fans will sit in the west bleachers, immediately following the conclusion of the game they will be asked to exit the gym through west hallway doors, parents may talk to their athletes outside of the school.

Reminder: The last day to order FFA Shirts is Saturday, September 5th. Follow this link to order and pay:

Correction to previous notification - THIS IS SPECIFIC TO BGS ONLY!
Parents - If you need to pull your child(ren) out of school early for any reason they will need to be picked up at the North doors by the office - not their regular dismissal doors. Thank you!

These students were inadvertently left off the list.
Congratulations to the following student athletes for meeting the requirements and being accepted into the NC Sports Club: Eddie Reynolds and Raden Orton.

If you are requiring your child(ren) to wear a mask while attending school, you can email Brandi or Ashley and let them know so we can assist you in making sure it is happening. Our staff will continue to wear masks and we will certainly help make sure your child(ren) are also wearing them if you would like them to.

As per the North Central District Health Department, Rock County Public Schools risk dial is changed to yellow. Refer to the website for details on the plan.

Due to COVID, are limiting school pictures to RCPS students and staff.

Congratulations to the following student athletes for meeting the requirements and being accepted into the NC Sports Club:
Brooklyn Buell, Allie Cosgrove, Mariah Ost, Gracie Swanson, Carlee Fleming, AJ Benemerito, Carson Anderson, Jenna Hallock, Hannah Linse, Allie Stephen, Tatelyn Smith, Stetson Kauffman.

For those students who will not be in school Thursday, August 27th for school pictures at BGS, we will have an additional picture date of Sept. 9th at 9:00 a.m. at BGS.

The Burwell Cross Country meet this Thursday has been moved to 10am due to the heat.

North Central vs. Twin Loup Football Game
Game time is 7:00PM in Loup County/Taylor. Friday, August 28th.
Adults and students are $5.00 (They are accepting conference passes, NOT North Central passes)
Visitor sidelines are now on the South side
Home is on the North.
They will have a concession stand.
Games will be broadcast on the Twin Loup STRIV channel: https://striv.tv/channel/twin-loup/

This is a reminder to keep your child(ren) home if they are not feeling well. If they have two or more of these symptoms, you need to either quarantine them for 14 days or get an alternate diagnosis from a health care provider: Fever, chills, cold/shivering, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. If they have one of the following symptoms, they also need to quarantine for 14 days or get an alternate diagnosis from a health care provide: New cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, loss of taste and smell. Rock County Public Schools will do everything we can to continue in-person learning for our students and we are asking for your cooperation in doing what you can do to keep us in-person. Thanks for working with us on this as we all have the same goal, to keep our students and staff in the buildings for the 2020-2021 school year.