Seniors (juniors last year) that missed taking the ACT at school in April will be tested on Sept. 22nd at no cost.
over 4 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Prom Information: All students must sign up using the Google Form you were emailed if you are planning to attend prom.  If your name is not on the list, you will not be allowed in.  Additionally, if you have an out of town date, you must also sign them up. JUNIORS and SENIORS please sign up by Monday at noon if you are planning to attend so we can have an accurate meal count for the banquet. All other prom related information will be relayed to students via email.  Please check your email often in the next two weeks, so you know the plan.
over 4 years ago, Tricia Buell
Please see the attached letter regarding our return to school this fall.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Rock County High School will hold PROM on Saturday, August 1st, 2020.  The Junior/Senior banquet will begin at 6:30, followed by pictures for all students at 7:15, Grand March at 8:00 and the dance at 8:30.  All students must sign up in order to attend prom, along with a sign up for their date.  If you are not signed up you will not be allowed into Prom.  Masks are recommended, but not required.  Temperatures will be taken at the door before students are allowed to enter the dance.  More specific information for students will follow, when decisions are finalized.
over 4 years ago, Tricia Buell
Food boxes are gone!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
There are food boxes left. They are first come first serve from now until gone!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Rock County High School is opening up the weight room to the community members again. Please see and follow the following rules: 1) Masks are recommended for all individuals using the weight room, but not required. 2) If you have a temperature (100.4 degrees or more) or do not feel well, please do not use our facility. 3) Please wipe down all equipment you use before and after use. This must happen for everyone’s safety. Violators may have privileges revoked. (Wipes are on the desk.) 4) Once weights are wiped down, please put them away on the correct weight racks. Then spray around your area with the sanitizer bottles. 5) Occupancy will be limited to 20 individuals or less in the weight room. If there are more, please wait until someone is done. 6) As always, please be respectful of everyone’s space. Also be respectful of our space and property so we can continue to allow the community to take advantage of our nice facility.
over 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Graduation on Saturday, July 18th will be live streamed on our school Facebook Page: Rock County Public Schools. Livestream will begin around 1:45 through the whole ceremony.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Farmers to Families was delivered again today. We will be distributing food boxes to FREE AND REDUCED families first, and if there are any leftover after that, we will send another message out and distribute to anyone else who would like them. Please come to the doors on the south side of the high school and come into the kitchen. Free and Reduced will be distributed from 11:30-12:30 TODAY, and we will distribute remaining boxes right after that.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Parents, if you haven't already done so, please take a few minutes to complete this survey on remote learning and reentry this fall. This survey was provided to us by NASB with our input on the questions. This will be good information for us as we finalize our plans for the fall. **This survey is due tonight at 11:59 p.m.**
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Nutrition Services Late Aide opening Position includes 2 shifts weekly and must work every other weekend and some holidays. May be able to pick up additional shifts as needed. Ideal for an after school job! Hours are 3:45pm or 4pm to 8:30pm or until work completed. Must be 16 or older to apply. Job duties include, but not limited to setting up and clearing dining room, washing dishes and putting dishes away, sweeping, mopping and stocking. Inquiries can be made to Jina Wright, Nutrition Services Manager 402-684-3366 or email [email protected] Applications can be picked up in Hospital Business office or completed online @ Under the Human Resources tab. Until further notice we are restricting all visitors to our Long Term Care and Hospital. All patients coming in will be screened with temperature taken and health and travel questions asked.
over 4 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Parents, please take a few minutes to complete this survey on remote learning and reentry this fall. This survey was provided to us by NASB with our input on the questions. This will be good information for us as we finalize our plans for the fall. **Deadline for survey is Tuesday, July 14 at 11:59 p.m.**
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
All food boxes are gone!!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Rock County Public Schools is the recipient of the Farmers to Families Produce Boxes. There will be produce, dairy, and meat distributed. The boxes will be distributed from 10:00-2:00 today on a first come first served basis TODAY (July 8). We only have a limited number of boxes, so please come early to guarantee your boxes. This is open all Rock County residents, regardless of income. Please come the double doors on the south side of the high school to pick up boxes!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Information regarding school physicals for the 2020-2021 school year: All incoming Preschool, Kindergarten, 7th, and 9th grade students will be required to have a school physical prior to the first day of school/start of their fall activities. Even though we will honor last year's physicals for all other students in 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades, it is encouraged that you still go see your primary care physician for a current physical.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Junior High Athletes who are planning on going out for cross country -- Please reach out to Ginger Schmidt (Head Junior High CC Coach). You can contact her either via email or call her. Her email address is:[email protected] and her phone number is 402-760-0300.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Deadline for purchasing a 19-20 Yearbook is May 30th. Check out the link for ordering!
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
North Central Cross Country Summer Conditioning Program - Starting June 1st
almost 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
NC CC Summer Conditioning
NC CC Summer Conditioning
The school year is winding down and with that comes handing in all school owned technology/textbooks. Attached is a hand-in schedule for both BGS and RCHS. You will be receiving an email from Ashley by the end of the day tomorrow (Thursday) of everything you need to return for your child/children (textbooks, iPads, Computers, library books, ect). Be on the lookout for the email. If the time that I have you scheduled doesn't work, please call to reschedule.
almost 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard