The Grab and Go Meals will continue through June 30th. Breakfast and Lunch are free to all Rock County children ages 1-18. If you would like to continue receiving meals or would like to sign up for meals, please call the school at 402-684-3411 or email Brandi at [email protected]
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Grab and Go Meals will need to be picked up at the SOUTH (back by the greenhouse) kitchen doors tomorrow, May 12th due to voting being held in the multi-purpose room.
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Congratulations to the class of 2020! Not the graduation day you’ve been working for but still a great day to celebrate your accomplishments. Can wait to see what direction life takes each one of you.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Otten
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Festus Assarsson
Senior Check Out Friday, May 8, 2020 will be designated as Senior Check Out Day. Be sure you bring all school owned materials and devices/chargers. Please use the north entrance when coming in. Please not your scheduled time listed below, if you can't make it, contact Mrs. Buell. All school work needs to be completed prior to check out. 9:00-Mylan Andrews and Brendan Bussinger 9:30-Gunnar Bussinger and Tanner Cole 10:00-Will Downing and Kyle Gillis 10:30-Morgan Heyden and Brandie Messersmith 11:00-Wyatt Olson 11:30-Suzi Smiley and Lauryn Stanton 1:00-Kasey Teel and Adam Turpin 1:30-Festus Assarsson and Andrew Walton Monday, May 11th-9:00-Kolton Needham
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Senior Spotlights:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Gunnar Bussinger
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! You have been amazing during this COVID-19 remote learning situation. Thanks for everything that each of you do for our students and parents.
almost 5 years ago, Tom Becker
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Will Downing
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Wyatt Olson
Welcome to the third and final night of the Rock County FFA's banquet. Tonight we honor the seniors, thank our past officers and congratulate the newly elected 2020-2021 officer team. A BIG thanks goes out to Ms. Kustka for helping us edit video.
almost 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
Congratulations to Mr. Becker, Mrs. Fischer, and all others who received honorary FFA memberships tonight. It takes hard work and dedication from so many to develop a top quality program like Rock County’s FFA program. Congratulations to all who received awards tonight including Cody Erickson and Andrew Walton for being named member of the year and the DEKALB Ag Accomplishment Award winner. Great job to all who brought us another night of the FFA banquet.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Otten
It is night two of the Rock County FFA's annual banquet. Tonight we announce proficiency award winners, honorary chapter awards, top point winners in each class, outstanding member of the year, and the Dekalb Agricultural Accomplishment Award.
almost 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Tanner Cole
Welcome to the Rock County FFA's 2020 banquet, night #1! Enjoy tonight's show where we award the Greenhand, Chapter, State and American Degrees. Stars in Discovery and Greenhand will also be announced. Tonight's Link:
almost 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Mylan Andrews
The Rock County FFA will be hosting our banquet virtually this year. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights this week @ 7:00 p.m., a YouTube link will be sent out. Each night we will be recognizing students for an outstanding year and celebrating our accomplishments.
almost 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Suzi Smiley
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Morgan Heyden
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Lauryn Stanton
Senior Spotlight:
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Kyle Gillis