Since we are unable to have our annual Arbor Day Program, the Bassett Tree Board and RCPS thought it would be fun to honor the holiday with a “Find A Tree” activity! Once complete, you may email your findings to Mrs. Ebert so she can share with the tree board. Everyone is invited to partake in this activity. Enjoy the beautiful weather this week and get outside to find a tree!

Senior Spotlight:

Rock County High School graduation is postponed from May 9 to July 18 based on guidance from the Commissioner of Education. More information will be available as we get closer to July.

Senior Spotlight:

Senior Spotlight:

Reminder: Tomorrow and Thursday are scheduled "come clean your lockers out" days. Be sure to check the schedule that was emailed last week! Also, a good time to pay your meal balance if you owe!

Senior Spotlight:

Effective immediately - The playground at Bassett Grade School is CLOSED until further notice.

Senior Spotlight:

Senior Spotlight:

“Be the Light” campaign.
Tomorrow, Friday, April 10th, Rock County High School will be turning on the football field lights at 8:20pm for 20 minutes. We will honor those who work in the medical field, our seniors and all the participants in extra-curricular activities that have been cancelled.
Take a drive by the football field during that time and honk to show your support. Please remember to adhere to social distancing protocol and stay in your vehicle.
Why the exact time?
20:20 for 20 minutes for the Class of 2020!!

Here is a schedule for coming to clean out your lockers and pick up any other personal items from the school. Please follow the schedule based on your last name. Due to COVID-19 please exercise the social distancing rules while you are at the school. Also, if you have a lunch balance due, please stop in the office and take care of this.
9:30-10:00 A
10:15-10:45 BEARD-BRUNS
11:45-12:15 C
12:30-1:00 D
1:15-1:45 E & F
2:00-2:30 G & H
2:45-3:15 I & J
9:30-10:00 K & L
10:15-10:45 M
11:00-11:30 N & R
11:45-12:15 O & P
12:30-1:00 Q, T, V, W

The Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunch will NOT be served on Monday, April 13th. We will resume Grab and Go Meals on Tuesday, April 14th! Any questions, please contact the high school 402-684-3411.

Reminder: All incoming 7th-12th grade students need to complete their class registration on PowerSchool as well as mail your Pre-Registration Form to the school. You received your registration packet last week. Please get this done ASAP!!

Starting immediately - Due to the new "Directed Health Measure" by Gov. Ricketts for Rock County, the Rock County PS gyms and weight room are now closed to all students, staff, and patrons until further notice.

Due to possible winter weather tonight, we will be serving today's lunch and tomorrow's breakfast and lunch today. All three meals will be handed out today, Thursday April 2, with nothing available tomorrow. Normal serving times will resume on Monday, April 6.

Rock County Public Schools would like to thank all of the students, staff, parents, and community members who have helped get us up and running with remote learning. This has been a stressful time for everyone, not just due to school buildings being closed, but also due to personal lives being affected one way or another. We have posted our Continuity of Learning Plan on the website and app for all public to see. This is the plan we are following but the plan will change over time as we figure out what will and will not work for our students, parents, and staff. During this time, our district has applied for and been accepted into a federal lunch program which allows us to serve grab and go meals to all kids ages 1 to 18 within our district free of charge to the families. These kids do not have to be students of the Rock County School District to take advantage of these free meals. This program is provided free to the people of Rock County as it is a federally funded program. If you would like to sign up, please contact Brandi at the school, 402-684-3411. Thanks again for everyone’s support as we try to keep our families and community safe through remote learning.

Schoology is having issues again today. Please be patient, and I will notify students when it is up and running again.

Attention students and parents, we have worked through some of the kinks in remote learning, but not all. We have a Continuity of Learning Plan which details some of the process while we are utilizing remote learning. It is located on our website and app for your viewing.

Free Meals for all children ages 1-18
Starting April 1-May 19, 2020 Monday-Friday
Optional, but FREE to all kids ages 1-18.
Breakfast and Lunch provided every day Monday-Friday, pick up times are 7:00-8:00 for breakfast and 11:30-12:30 for lunch (on days where the lunch isn’t a “warm” meal, you can grab lunch when you grab breakfast). Meals will be distributed from the multi-purpose room doors at the Rock County High School on the west side.
Call Rock County High School at 402-684-3411 or email Brandi at [email protected] to sign up. Sign up time is 7:00-9:00 a.m. each day. We encourage signing up for a week at a time or longer. This makes it easier for the cooks.
This is a Federally funded program. All meals served are fully reimbursed by the Federal Government so it is not a burden on our local taxpayers.