The Knights Invitational Wrestling meet at Dunning on Saturday, January 18th will be live-streamed. Please use this link:
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
JH Boys game on Monday with West Holt will be A-Team first followed by 2 quarters of B-Team. Games start at 6pm at Bassett.
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
The FFA is hosting a Leadership Development Event Showcase on Monday, January 13th @ 7:00 p.m. at the High School. All are invited to come listen to speeches and demonstrations from our members.
about 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
The phone issues at the elementary have been resolved. You can now call the Bassett Grade School - please use (402) 684-3855 when calling. Thank you for your patience!
about 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard
We are currently experiencing issues with receiving incoming calls at BGS. If you need to contact anyone at BGS please call RCHS at 402-684-3411 and they will transfer you down to the elementary. We will let everyone know as soon as the issue is resolved. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard
This is what I know of as of now for HS Basketball Games Tuesday, Jan. 7th- @ Bassett vs. Battle Creek - Girls Only – JV Girls (4 quarters) – Starts @ 5PM with Varsity to Follow Thursday, Jan. 9th - @ Bassett vs. Summerland – JVG and JVB both 4 quarters – Starts @ 4PM with all other games to follow. Friday, Jan. 10th - @ Cody – JVG (2 quarters), JVB (2 quarters) – Starts @ 4:30 PM CST with other games to follow Thursday, Jan. 16th - @ Bassett vs. West Holt - JVG and JVB both 4 quarters – Starts @ 4PM with all other games to follow. Friday, Jan. 17th - @ Taylor – JVG (4 quarters), NO JVB - Starts @ 4:30 PM with other games to follow Tuesday, Jan. 21st - @ Bassett vs. Niobrara-Verdigre - JVG and JVB both 4 quarters – Starts @ 3:30PM with all other games to follow. Thursday, Jan. 23rd - @ Bassett vs. Ainsworth – JVG (4 Quarters), JVB (2 Quarters) – Starts @ 4PM with all other games to follow. Friday, Jan. 24th - @ Merna – JVG and JVB both 4 quarters – BOTH JV GAMES START AT 4PM (two gyms) Varsity Girls scheduled to start @ 6PM Tuesday, Jan. 28th - @ Bassett vs. Ansley-Litchfield - JVG and JVB quarters ??? – Starts @ 3:30PM with all other games to follow. Mrs. Fischer
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Summerland Holiday Tournament game times for tomorrow are official. First game at 11:00am other games to follow. Other game times are scheduled to start at 12:30pm, 2:00pm, 3:30pm.
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Summerland Holiday Tournament for today has been postponed to tomorrow. When I know times I will post them. Mrs. Fischer
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
The Summerland Holiday Tournament will be moving games from Saturday, December 28th TO Monday, December 30th. First game will start at 3:00pm with other games to follow. North Central will play the first two games.
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
The Summerland Holiday Tournament will be moving games times up 2 hours on Friday! Games will now be 1:00 CWC vs North Central Girls, 2:30 CWC vs North Central Boys, 4:00 Summerland vs Walthill Girls and 5:30 Summerland vs Walthill Boys! Games schedule will be normal times for Saturday as of now!
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Summerland Holiday Tournament Brackets
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Summerland Holiday Tournament Bracket
From St. Mary's High School Friday night our school would like to do some fundraisers for Zak Palmer and his family. The girls and boys basketball teams, and wrestlers, would like to get together between the girls and boys games to do a prayer with your basketball teams. Cheerleaders will do a pop free throw shoot at halftime of the girls game. Wrestling is doing a split the pot. Jars will be set up in the concessions area for change. The Cardinal Club winner will be given to the Palmer family as well.
about 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Dec. 16th-Dec. 20th Monday JH Wrestling @ Broken Bow - 3:45PM JH Girls Basketball @ RC with Stuart – 6:30PM There will only be one game due to Stuart numbers Tuesday HS Basketball @ KP with Burke, SD – 4:00PM JV Girls and JV Boys will play 4 Quarters Thursday RCHS Christmas Program @ 7:00PM Friday HS Basketball @ St. Mary’s – 4:15PM JV Girls will only play 1 Quarter – JV Boys 4 Quarters Saturday HS Wrestling @ Pope John – 9:30AM HS Basketball @ KP with Gregory – 1PM JV Girls and Boys will play 4 Quarters
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Pony Lake School will be having their Christmas Program on Friday, December 13th at 7:00 at the Pony Lake School! Miss Johnson and Miss Bartak would like to invite everyone to attend!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard
December 9th-13th Monday JH Girls Basketball @ RC – 6:00PM – 2 games (B-team followed by A-Team) JV Boys and Girls Basketball @ O’Neill – 6:00PM JH Wrestling Meet @ Merna – 11:00AM RCPS Board of Education Meeting – 7:00PM Tuesday JH Wrestling Meet @ Ainsworth – 4 PM BGS Christmas Concert – 7PM Wednesday 10AM Late Start School/Community One-Act Performance at 10:00AM Thursday JV/V Basketball @ Chambers – 4:00PM JV Girls – 4 Quarters; JV Boys 3 Quarters Friday HS Wrestling @ Sargent – 1:00PM Pony Lake Christmas Concert – 7:00PM Saturday HS Wrestling @ Merna – 10:00AM JV/V Basketball @ KP w/ Sandhills-Thedford – 4:15 PM NO JV Girls; JV Boys – 3 Quarters
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Parent's Please Look at the On-Line Calendar Frequently! This will be changing depending on what other schools can do. Week of Dec. 3-7 Monday HS Sports Pictures @ both locations Tuesday JH Girls Basketball @ Colome @ 4:30 (Notice game time change!) Thursday Basketball @ Boyd County - Spencer *JH GBB 2:30pm – A-Team: 4 Quarters followed by B-Team: 1 Quarter *JV GBB 4:00pm – Followed by JVB, VG, VB (4 quarters of each JV game) HS Wrestling @ Burwell – 5:00pm Friday HS Basketball @ Burwell *JV GBB @ Burwell – 3:30pm - Followed by JVB, VG, VB (4 quarters of each JV game all games at the High School) JH Wrestling @ O’Neill – 5:00pm Saturday HS Wrestling @ Mullen – 10:30am
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Due to the forecasted weather for tomorrow, Rock County schools will not have school on Tuesday, November 26.
over 5 years ago, Mark Otten
The junior high wrestling meet scheduled for tomorrow in Ainsworth has been postponed until a later date.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Gracie Swanson being recognized at the Rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol during the Annual Commissioner's Recognition for Excellence in Nebraska Career Education for her achievement at National FFA competition this fall. Congratulations Gracie!
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Winter Sports Pictures for high school sports will be Monday, December 2nd. Please stop in the office and pick up your picture order forms.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck