Rock County Students, due to the Veterans Day program today, please remember to park on the south side of the high school so the patrons attending can park on the west side. Thanks. Mr. Becker

Rock County Public Schools will have a ten o'clock late start today Monday November eleventh due to icy roads. I repeat Rock County Public Schools will have a ten o'clock late start today November eleventh due to icy roads. Thank you.

Please join us Monday, November 11, 2019 for our Veterans Day Program, in the Rock County High School gym at 2:30. The Bassett Legion Auxiliary is providing cake and ice cream in honor of their 100th birthday after the program in the multi-purpose room.

There is a correction to the November calendar. The Veteran’s Day Program on Monday, November 11th is at 2:30pm.

Ag Issues advanced to semifinals. They will present again in the morning. Top 16 in the country!!

From the Sutherland AD:
I wanted to pass this along to you to share with your fans. I know there will be some littles who may miss out on trick or treating because of the game so if parents would like to bring the little guys/girls to trick or treat in Sutherland, we would love to have them. If they would like to bring their vehicles and open their trunks and hand out treats as well, that would be great too. Our soccer field is just south of the football field on the visitor side of the field.
We are still doing our Trunk or Treat 5:30-6:30. We are Moving it to the soccer field parking lot. We feel this will be safer for all the little people and easy if you want to be at the game also. Should be a beautiful night for both activities. Hope to see all the great costumes and trunks. Thanks to all!
Also we will have hotdogs and chips for the kids in costume . Thanks

Due to Rock County hosting the C1-9 Subdistrict Volleyball games - ALL PRACTICES WILL BE AT KP TONIGHT.

3-6 Parents: if your child has signed up for code club they need to have their permission slip returned if they are going to participate this afternoon! ☺️

1st Round Football Playoff game time has been set!
North Central will be traveling to Sutherland for 5:00pm CST game!

Just a reminder that Football Parent's night is tonight at KP. Football parents need to be at the field at 6:30 pm.

There will be a short Pep Rally at 8:00am on Friday morning at RCHS before the send off for the State Cross Country Participants. The send off will be between 8:15am-8:20am.

There will be a quick Honor Roll/ Perfect Attendance Assembly in the gym for the Bassett Grade School students tomorrow morning (Monday) at 8:30 at BGS. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Parent Teacher Conferences going on today from 8:00-4:00. RCHS is open house style, come when it works for you. Stop in the office and pick up report cards. BGS is by appointment.

From the Rocktoberfest Committee: The Rocktoberfest Committee has thought long and hard about Saturday’s event. We want to thank all the businesses and community members who have invested in this amazing event. Due to forecasted high winds, lower than expected volunteer turnout due to scheduling conflicts, and overall safety of our patrons, we have made the impossible decision to CANCEL Rocktoberfest for 2019. Anyone who has purchased wristbands already, please message us and we will refund your money. Include location purchased and payment type. All who have donated for sponsorships will be contacted by the committee in the near future. We are heartbroken by the decision but feel it is in the best interest of our community. Thank you for all the support. The FFA Haunted Escape room is cancelled as well. The Rock County Hospital Vendor Fair downtown is still on as scheduled.

Double Triangular at VERDIGRE on Thursday, Oct. 10th
4:00 North Central vs. Niobrara-Verdigre
5:00 Stuart vs. North Central
6:00 St. Mary’s vs. Stuart
7:00 Niobrara-Verdigre vs. St. Mary’s

Volleyball clothing orders are available to be picked up at the high school. Stop up and grab your order!

Due to the forecasted weather, the NVC Cross Country Meet has been moved TO Wednesday, Oct. 9th @ 1pm at the Antelope Country Club.

NC JH Volleyball Tournament - 10/5/19

Fall Sports Parent's Nights
Cross Country - Oct 8th @ Rock County - After the 1st match between North Central & Stuart
Volleyball - Oct. 8th @ Rock County - After the 2nd match between Stuart and Ainsworth
Football - Oct. 25th @ Keya Paha County - Before the game

Picture packets have been handed out to the students. All packets are due back to the office by October 16th. Please return them even if you are not ordering. Any questions, please call Ashley or Brandi.