School Pictures: School pictures are scheduled for September 19th not August 30th. Our school calendar changes daily. Please check the website for the most up to date calendar.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Firearm Hunter Education Course Offered A firearm hunter education course will be offered by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission volunteer instructors in Bassett on Saturday, September 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The free course will be held at the Bassett Legion Club at 201 Buchanan Street and continues on Sunday, September 15, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ainsworth Rod and Gun Club. The lunch will be provided on Saturday. The course will provide instruction in the areas of safe firearms use, shooting and sighting techniques, hunter ethics, game identification and conservation management. Students must attend all of the sessions to complete the course. Students must pre-register by September 12, 2019 at , or by calling the Nebraska Game and Parks office in Bassett at 402-684-2921. After registration, workbooks can be picked up at the Nebraska Game and Parks office in Bassett and completed prior to class. Please print off and complete the parental release form to bring with you to the first day of class. In Nebraska, hunters ages 12 through 29 must have on their person proof of successful completion of firearm hunter education while hunting with a firearm or crossbow.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Activity Passes are available in the office at the High School. Adults are $50 and students are $25. These passes will get you into all home games at Bassett and Springview. Students grades 7-12 who are out for a sport will get into all home games free.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Senior Banner pictures on Tuesday, August 27th. Have your favorite sports uniform and props ready. If not dressing in sports uniform, please wear school colors of blue, black, grey, white to promote school spirit in the gym.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Here is the link to order Knights clothing from the Booster Club:
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
2019-2020 3 and 4 year old Preschool classes!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Morning (3 year old) Preschool Class!
Afternoon (4 year old) Preschool class!
Attention all RCPS Parents: If you haven't done so yet, please make sure to have ALL enrollment paperwork turned in by tomorrow (Monday, August 19) if possible. Brandi and Ashley are both notaries, so they can sign and notarize your medical consent forms! Items needed for BGS: Enrollment Data Form, Medical Consent Form, Handbook Receipt Form, Milk Money, and Lunch Money - New incoming Preschoolers and Kindergarteners - you will also need a school physical, immunization records, and we will need to see your child's original birth certificate. (Kindergarten students also need an eye exam) RCHS Students - Enrollment Data Form, Medical Consent Form, Handbook Receipt Form, Internet Agreement, Device Protection Plan, NSAA Form, Concussion Form, Rangeland Rehab Form, lunch money, and a physical for all incoming 7th graders and anyone participating in sports. **If your child has asthma or any severe allergies, please be sure to fill out the Asthma/Allergy Action Plan (It will need to be signed by your physician) Optional Forms: Mileage Claim Form and Hot Lunch Free and Reduced Meals Form Brandi sent an email out to all parents on July 17th with all of the needed forms attached. You can also find them on our school website, If you don't have the ability to print them out at home, you are welcome to stop into either the Bassett Grade School Office or the Rock County High School Office and pick them up. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brandi at the high school, or Ashley at the grade school!
over 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard
Just a reminder that all JH Fall Sports begin on Monday, August 19th. Practices will be in Rock County.
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Reminder: Preschool Open House tonight at Bassett Grade School 5:00-6:00.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
There will not be a bus going to Springview for the fundraiser tonight. No one signed up. Mrs. Fischer
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
We will be providing a bus to KP on Friday night for any student athletes that need a ride to the Zak Palmer Fundraiser. Please let Mrs. Fischer know if you will be riding the bus! We need to have 15 or more to take the bus.
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Hope to see you all this Friday at KPHS for the Zak Palmer Fundraiser Silent/Live Auction and Free Will Donation Supper! Festivities start @ 6:00pm. Live Auction will begin at 7:30pm. Bidding for silent auction will be 6:00-8:30pm. (Please make all donation checks for the event payable to Bruce Palmer) If you'd still like to donate, please let Kayla Fischer or Tricia Anderson know by TOMORROW (Tuesday), if possible! A list of donated items is available to view on our school Facebook page.
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
Quick reminder that conditioning for all high school fall sports begins Monday! The following forms must be handed in prior to the athlete being allowed to participate: Physical Form, Medical Consent Form, NSAA Form, Concussion Form and Rangeland Rehab form. If these aren't handed in before 7:00 a.m. on Monday, your child/children will not be allowed to participate until all forms are turned in!!
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
Conditioning & Practice Football August 5 – 7:00-8:00 am – at Bassett August 6 – 7:00-8:00 am – at Bassett August 7 – 7:00-8:00 am – at Springview August 8 – 7:00-8:00 am – at Springview Cross Country Meeting August 5-8:00 a.m. at Bassett, 9:30 a.m. at Springview Volleyball August 5-9 – 7:00-8:00 am at Springview
over 5 years ago, Brandi Hollenbeck
High School Fall Sports conditioning will be starting August 5th. Make sure that your athletes have their physicals done and all paperwork turned in. They will not be able to participate until all of that is turned into the office. - Mrs. Fischer
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer
FFA Members grades 7-12: Reminder to sign up for livestock judging and range judging practices by the end of the day tomorrow, Monday, July 22nd. See previous posts for more information. Let Mrs. Dvorak or Mrs. Sybrant know if you are interested.
over 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
2019-2020 BGS School Supply Lists are now available on our school website -
over 5 years ago, Ashley Leonard
FFA Range Judgers grades 7-12: On Monday August 12th there is an opportunity for you to travel north of Johnstown to the grassland preserve to do range plant identification with the plant ecologists on site. We would leave the school at 6:30 am and return in the early afternoon. If interested in going, please message Mrs. Sybrant or Mrs. Dvorak by August 5th.
over 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
In support of Zak Palmer, the Keya Paha FFA is hosting an FFA member-only barn dance at the historic Norden Dance Hall. The dance will take place on August 10th 8pm-midnight. The fee will be $3 at the door. Pop and water will be available for purchase. In order for you to get into the dance, you must be on the guest list. Please email or text Mrs. Dvorak or Mrs. Sybrant if you would like on the guest list.
over 5 years ago, Ann Dvorak
Anyone interested in JH Cross Country?? If you know of anyone interested please contact Harlee Gentele at [email protected].
over 5 years ago, Kayla Fischer