Volleyball This week!
Valentine triangular on Tuesday. Varsity will have a triangular at the high school with Valentine and Cody-Kilgore starting at 5pm. The C-team and JV girls will be playing against Valentine at the middle school. C-Team game with JV game to follow starting at 5pm.
Thursday dual at Orchard. C-Team game will start at 5pm. JV and Varsity games will follow.

The Special Board Meeting scheduled for tonight, Tuesday, September 24 has been postponed. A new date will be selected in the near future.

Due to the North Central Football game at West Holt beginning at 2:00pm, Rock County Public Schools will have a 12:00pm dismissal. This includes Bassett Grade School and Pony Lake.

Junior and Senior Parents - EducationQuest will be conducting a Financial Aid Presentation on Wednesday, Sept. 25th at 6:00 pm in the RCHS library. This informational meeting will last for approximately one hour.

A quick reminder that school pictures are tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 19th.

JH Volleyball @ Ainsworth Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 21st beginning at 9AM

HS Volleyball @ Stuart on Saturday Sept. 21st - The first match will begin at 9AM with others to follow.
Game 1--Stuart vs. North Central
Game 2---Niobrara-Verdigre vs. St. Mary’s
Game 3----Losers of Game 1 & 2
Game 4----Winners of Game 1 & 2

We have had reports of issues with parents and others being able to get their calls to go through while trying call the grade school. If you have any issues with getting through on our (402) 684-3855 number, please try (402) 684-3872. If you still have problems getting through, please email Ashley at [email protected] and she will get back to you as soon as possible! Sorry for the inconvenience.

JH Football at St Mary’s at 4pm
Today. The game will be played on the St. Mary’s practice field. This is located on 1st and Church. Right next to the Legion Baseball field on the North side.

Triangular with Twin Loup on Tuesday, Sept 17th, at Taylor. Game times are as follows:
NC vs TL 5:00
NC vs Pleasanton 6:00
Pleasanton vs TL 7:00

Thursday, September 19th is Picture Day for all RCPS students.

The Cross Country meet for today in Neligh has been moved from the Antelope Country Club TO Riverside Park and Antelope County Fairgrounds. They will run the meet as scheduled with Girls race at 4:30, boys and JH to follow.

The West Holt Range Judging contest will be held today. Wear appropriate footwear to be in wet conditions! Also don't forget your lunch, a pencil, and bug spray.

Parents of BGS PK through 2nd Grade - Please plan to pick your kids up on the east side of the school building after school today (9/9). We have roofers working on the north side and don't want any students/parents coming in or out of the north doors until the work is complete.

Homecoming Week: Dress up Days: Monday-Beach Day Tuesday-Disney Wednesday-Marvel/DC Comics Thursday-80's Movie Friday-Spirit Day Homecoming parade is Friday, Sept. 13th at 3:30 line up at high school. Football game is Friday, Sept. 13th at 7:00 vs. Arcadia-Loup City at Bassett. Crowning of the Rock County and Keya Paha king and queen will be held immediately following the football game. The 2019 Homecoming football game is going to be dedicated to Zak Palmer this year. It is encouraged for everyone to wear their #Zakstrong apparel or to wear orange to the game that night. Following the KP and RC royalty crowning, it will be encouraged for everyone at the game (players, candidates, FANS) to go out onto the football field for a picture to send to Zak to show our overwhelming support.

Ainsworth Cross Country Results:
Boys Brendan Bussinger- 13th, Tommy Klemesrud- 16th, Raden Orton- 17th. Total boys team- 5th.
Girls: Daisy Frick- 5th, Mariah Ost- 6th, Riley Teel- 15th. Total girls team- 4th.

Schedule for Volleyball tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 5th @ West Holt:
Game times:
5:00 will be Burwell Versus West Holt
6:00 will be Burwell Versus North Central
7:00 will be North Central Versus West Holt
JV will follow same schedule and will play in the South GYM.

"Pink Out" volleyball game will be September 24th at Springview. "Pink Out" tshirts are available to the public for $20.00. If you are interested in a tshirt, please contact Brandi at the high school. Orders and money are due by September 11th!

ROCK COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL ONLY: Due to our MAPS testing schedule, breakfast won’t be served until 8:00. Report to your first period class for attendance and you will then be released to breakfast. Sleep in a bit and get ready for MAPS.

There will be a 50/50 drawing being held at the football game tonight in Burwell with all proceeds going to the Zak Palmer family.