There will be one JH game played next Monday, January 23rd at Burwell. The game will be in the High School Gym at 6:00, no restrictions on attendance.

JH Boys Basketball w/ CWC @ Bassett on Thursday, Jan. 28th starting at 4:15PM
Boys Varsity game w/ CWC is scheduled to start at 6:00PM

Addition to HS Wrestling Schedule
Wrestling Triangular at Ainsworth
Friday - January 29th; Start time 5:30PM
Order would be Twin Loup vs. Ainsworth, North Central vs. Twin Loup, Ainsworth vs. North Central.

Bracket for boys JH tournament in Atkinson on 1/23

North Central Athletics
Jan 18th, 2021 - Jan 23th, 2021
Monday, January 18th
JH Boys Basketball @ Colome - Starts @ 5PM - 7th grade followed by 8th grade
Tuesday, January 19th
HS Basketball @ Niobrara - Starts @ 3:30PM - 4 quarters JV Girls, 4 quarters JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys
No Spectator Limits
Thursday, January 21st
HS Basketball @ Ainsworth - Both JV Games Start at 4:30PM - 4 Quarters JV Girls, 2 Quarters JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys
The first 505 people through the door will be admitted.
HS Wrestling - NVC Meet @ Elkhorn Valley - 5PM
6 people can attend per active wrestler and coach
Friday, January 22nd
HS Basketball @ Rock County w/ Anselmo-Merna - Starts @ 3:30PM - 3 quarters JV Girls, 4 quarters JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys
Make sure your name is on the list.
Saturday, January 23rd
HS Wrestling @ Neligh - Starts @ 10AM - 2 fans allowed per participant at the meet. No fans for non wrestling individuals.
JV Basketball @ Niobrara - Starts @ 10AM - No Spectator Limit
JH Boys Basketball @ West Holt Tournament - 9AM

JHBBB team will be in Colome on Monday, January 18th, for 2 basketball games, starting at 5:00. 7th grade first, followed by 8th.

North Central Athletics
Jan 11th, 2021 - Jan 16th, 2021
Thursday, January 14th
HS Basketball @ West Holt - Both JV Games Start at 4:45PM - 4 Quarters JV Girls, 3 Quarters JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys - No list or tickets
Friday, January 15th
HS Basketball @ Keya Paha w/ Twin Loup - Starts @ 3:30PM - 4 quarters JV Girls, 4 quarters JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys - (Make sure you are on a players list to get in!)
Saturday, January 16th
HS Wrestling @ Dunning - Starts @ 10AM - One spectator ticket per wrestler. Make sure to get it from your wrestler

The JH Boys game with West Holt tonight will now be live-streamed!

North Central Knights Athletic Fans
Just reminder Per NSAA Rules:
• Spectators are required to wear face coverings at all times while attending indoor events.
• Face coverings must cover the nose and mouth.
Non-compliance with the above may include but not be limited to reprimands, fines or exclusion from the post season.

Nebraska Girls Basketball Showcase
Final in Overtime
North Central 32 - Malcolm 33

Nebraska Girls Basketball Showcase
End of Regulation
North Central 28 - Malcolm 28

Nebraska Girls Basketball Showcase
End of 3rd Quarter
North Central 21 - Malcolm 18

Nebraska Girls Basketball Showcase
North Central 17 - Malcolm 16

Nebraska Girls Basketball Showcase
End 1st Quarter
North Central 10 - Malcolm 9

UPDATE FOR Tomorrow night.
North Central vs. Cody-Kilgore
No JV Girls
JV Boys - 2 Eight Minute Quarters - START TIME 5:30PM
V Girls
V Boys

North Central Spectator Guidelines:
We will now allow 6 spectators per athlete for North Central. If fans are wanting to come to a home game contact an athlete to get your name put on their list. Or, contact Mrs. Fischer and you will be put on a waiting list. If we have spots to fill we will contact you.

Summerland is changing their spectator rule for our basketball games on Thursday. There will be a 2 person per player pass list to be filled out to make sure parents get in. The difference between the number on the pass list, from each school, and 300 will be the extra amount allowed in. Once they hit 300 they will not let anyone else in. Please have your athletes verify with their coaches which two need to be on the list.

The Rock County FFA will be hosting their LDE showcase on Monday, January 11th starting at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this event is to allow parents as well as the community the opportunity to view student speeches and presentations. The event will be held in the multipurpose room and will be open to everyone that wants to attend within the 50% capacity rule. Masks will be required during the event. Please plan to attend!

Update: HS Basketball Thursday @ Ewing - Per the guidelines below I would suggest that you get there early. You are not guaranteed in.
Bobcat Winter Guidelines
NSAA has changed winter guidelines (please know this could change)! We are now able to be at 50%! There will be no pass list/tickets and spectators are open to everyone!! At Ewing our 50% capacity is 300. When you have paid and been marked, you will be allowed to come and go. Once we hit our max of paid 50% capacity, no one will be allowed in!

Update: St. Mary's is allowing 60 spectators per school to attend the wrestling triangular tomorrow night. Those spectators have to be household members or grandparents. Please let your athletes know who should be on the list.