Tonight's FFA Young Member Banquet will be live streamed here starting at 7:00 p.m.:

From the Rock County Booster Club: Greenery orders are in and ready to be picked up. Please stop in and pick them up at Circle B during normal business hours - today 8:30-5:30 and Saturday 8:30-12:00.

Ainsworth JH Wrestling Tournament Tuesday, November 24th
*New Start Time - 2:00PM
*NOT allowing spectators
*They will be live streaming. When we get the link we will put it out. Otherwise go to Ainsworth Community Schools webpage or Facebook page for the link.

The Rock County FFA Young Member Banquet is being held on Monday, November 23rd @ 7:00 p.m. Masks are required for this event. Further, we are limited in attendance at this event. The following will be allowed to attend: 7th grade members, 9th grade members, Officers, and three spectators from each of the above members' households. To designate the three persons who will be attending for each of the above members, please fill out this form below by the end of the day Friday, November 20th: https://forms.gle/2vCaL1GC2rtDm8Bi6

Here is the link for the Junior High Girls Basketball game tonight. The games begin at 6:00 with B team followed by A team. https://www.facebook.com/rcpsknights/live

With COVID19 cases on the rise throughout Nebraska, please remember to avoid the 3 C's. Crowded Places, Close Contact, and Confined Spaces!

Information for NVC One Acts Tuesday, November 17:
Based on the new directed health measures, only family members residing in the same house (parents and siblings) and participants of the performing play will be allowed into the gym to watch. Spectators arriving separately from the team will enter and exit using the south door by the church, and will not be allowed into the building until fifteen minutes before their school’s scheduled performance time. Coaches from NVC West participating schools will also be allowed to watch other school performances. ALL SPECTATORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR MASKS!

NO Spectators will be allowed at the Mullen JH Wrestling Tournament on Friday, November 20th. This meet starts at 11AM. They will be streaming on their Striv channel. https://striv.tv/channel/mullen/

Information for the JH Girls Basketball tournament at West Holt on Saturday, November 21st. (There will only be one team per school.)
1. No fans allowed this Saturday we will stream all the games on Saturday
2. All non participants must wear a mask including those on the bench and coaches
10:00 - West Holt vs North Central
11:00 - Elkhorn Valley vs Neligh-Oakdale
12:00 - The two losers will play.
1:00 - The two winners will play.

The Scholastic Book Fair is now open!! Books are a great Christmas gift for every student on your list. Shop using the link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/rcps

Here is the link for the Junior High Girls Basketball game tonight. The games begin at 6:00 with B team followed by A team.

The Rock County FFA will be hosting its Young Member Banquet on Monday, November 23rd. At the banquet, 7th grade members will be receiving their Discovery Degrees and 9th grade members will be receiving their FFA Jackets and Greenhand Degrees.
With the 25% capacity limitation put for by the latest Directed Health Measure, we are limited in attendance at this event and are not allowed to have every member or the general public in attendance. The following will be allowed to attend:
7th grade members
9th grade members
Three spectators from each of the above members' households.
To designate the three persons who will be attending for each of the above members, please fill out the form below by the end of the day Friday, November 20th. This will allow us time on Monday to get seating arranged by household. To maintain security in our system, the members themselves will have to log in and complete the form, but we expect parents/guardians to assist:
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this together.

Please find the link below to fill out a survey for Digital Equity. We are being asked by the Nebraska Department of Education to collect this data, which will be used to prioritize $3.2 M GEER funding resources for Home Internet support.
Please have the survey completed by Friday, November 13th. You will need to fill one out for each child. It is a quick and easy survey.

Just a reminder that no spectators are allowed at the JH Wrestling meet in Burwell tomorrow. The live stream link is: https://striv.tv/channel/burwell/

Parent's - This is just a reminder that when we put out a google form for you to list who is coming to your child's event, you can only list the number of spectators that are on the form. You can not fill in the form twice. Spectators can be from your household only. That means only those that are living with you. For JH Girls Basketball tomorrow, each athlete is only allowed 4 spectators. That's how many were listed on the form. If you have more than 4 they will not be allowed in. Please be respectful of this. We have some events that our kids are attending that no spectators are allowed.

The Veteran's Day Program will begin at 2:30. This event is closed to the public, however, it will be live streamed. Please refer to the previous post for the link and program. All students will be dismissed from their individual buildings at 3:30.

Veterans Day Program "Live" watch link:
You do NOT have to have a Facebook account to watch this.

Google Form for JH Girls Basketball Parent Sign-Up to attend the JH Girls Basketball game at Rock County on Thursday night.

Due to the new Directed Health Measure 25% capacity regulation BURWELL IS NOT going to be able to allow spectators at their meet this Thursday.

JH Wrestling at Valentine - Nov. 10th
Livestream - they are going to attempt to livestream each mat - it is there first try at this so no guarantee this will work - lets hope. The link to the invite is
-Fans have to have a ticket to enter the invite.
-Masks are required
-They will run 3 mats.