Attached is a roster for HS Girls JV and Varsity Basketball for both North Central and CWC. The games are scheduled to begin at 5:30 today.

We will be doing Winter Sports Pictures on Monday, Dec. 14th. All athletes need to pick up the forms in the office.

Here is the link to watch the live feed of the BGS Christmas Concert if you don’t have Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rcpsknights/live

Reminder - The BGS Christmas Concert will be live streamed tonight at 7:00 on Facebook - Rock County Public Schools. Please note that this will only be viewable live, and won't be available to watch at a later date due to copyright laws.

North Central Wrestling
JH - We have added a meet. Broken Bow changed the number of teams that could come so unfortunately we lost that meet for next Monday. So we are adding the Burke/Gregory Middle School Wrestling Tournament that will be held this Friday, Dec. 11th @ the Gregory Memorial Auditorium. Wrestling starts at 5:00PM - Only 2 household members per wrestler are allowed. No Live Stream
HS - Friday, Dec. 11th - Due to the large number of teams that were going to be at Sargent, they split the meet into two sites. North Central will be wrestling at Burwell. Wrestling begins at 3:00PM. Only 2 household members per wrestler will be allowed. Live Stream Link is: https://striv.tv/channel/burwell/
HS - Saturday, Dec. 12 @ Anselmo-Merna. Wrestling begins at 10:00AM. Only ONE PARENT per athlete will be allowed. Live Streak Link is: https://striv.tv/channel/anselmo-merna/

HS Basketball this week:
Thursday: NO BOYS GAMES. There will only be JV girls and V girls. JV girls will start at 5:30PM with Varsity to follow. Due to it being only girls, we are allowing ALL household members of the athletes that are playing.
Saturday: JV/V Basketball at Dunning - First game starts at 4:00PM with all others to follow. JV Girls - 2- 6 min quarters, JV Boys - 2 - 6 min quarters. Immediate family members of the SAME household only. - There will be no concession stand. The live stream link is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxVh4Tzo26dYMXpOseEhp2w/live

HS Wrestling Triangular at Keya Paha - Tuesday, Dec. 7th - ALL Household Family Members will be allowed to attend. Wrestling starts at 6:00PM. It is a triangular with Ainsworth and West Holt.

Boys/Girls C-Team Basketball tonight @ Rock County -
Girls followed by boys starting at 6PM.
ALL Household members for those participating will be allowed into tonight's games.

Reminder: FFA Poinsettias for Sale - $15
To claim your poinsettia, please complete the form below. Poinsettias can be picked up at the high school greenhouse Monday - Friday from 8 a.m to 3:30 p.m. When you arrive, phone the school and a representative will be out to assist you. https://forms.gle/y5xQaYg69pUdLUmj6

NCDHD has adopted the new guidance on isolations and quarantines due to COVID. This new guidance has more variables to it so our guidance to parents may not be as cut and dry as they were in the past. The new guidance can be found at: http://dhhs.ne.gov/Documents/NCHD-DHM-December.pdf

Both North Central Schools have developed YouTube channels for streaming home events:
Keya Paha County: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-FyZTl3WO2og2bP6cSm77Q?view_as=subscriber
Rock County: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuoP3e8WKKCo5O4zVW_ZKsw/videos

The Rock County FFA chapter is currently selling poinsettias for $15.00. This price includes a large plant, colored foil, and Christmas bow! To claim your poinsettia, please complete the form below. Poinsettias can be picked up at the high school greenhouse Monday - Friday from 8 a.m to 3:30 p.m. When you arrive, phone the school and a representative will be out to assist you.

JH Wrestling at O’Neill – Friday, Dec. 4th – Start time 5PM. – Only 2 household members are allowed. Live-streaming at www.EagleEyeBroadcasting.com
HS Wrestling at Mullen – Saturday, Dec. 5th – Start time 10:30AM – NO FANS – Live-streaming at https://striv.tv/channel/mullen/
JH Wrestling at Anselmo-Merna – Monday, Dec. 7th – Start time 2:00PM – Only 1 household member is allowed. Live-streaming at https://striv.tv/channel/anselmo-merna/ (There will only be one mat streamed at a time)

HS Basketball
North Central will not be having JV boy’s games this week on Thursday at KP and Friday at RC. The JV girl’s games will start at 4:30 pm on both of those nights with the Varsity games to follow. On Thursday with Boyd County, the JV girl’s game will only be 3 quarters.
Due to the DHM of 25% capacity, we are only allowing 2 household members per family in. The list will be at the gate when the household members arrive. Please tell the ticket taker the player you are there for and your name. They will mark you off when you pay your admission.
All events will be live-streamed. Please go to each school’s websites for the links.

Negative rapid COVID test results are not adequate for returning to school. According to NCDHD, you need a negative standard test result to return to school.

Notice parents: Rock County Public Schools will NOT be having school Monday, December 21 and Tuesday, December 22 due to professional development for staff. School will resume January 4, 2021.

Parents/Guardians of BGS Students,
This is a reminder that PK-6 students will be recording their Christmas Program this Thursday, December 3, in the morning. Please remind your student(s) to wear their Christmas clothes to school that day. They will have the opportunity to change after they are finished recording if extra clothes are sent with them. The recording will be posted to Facebook at the scheduled time of the concert.

District One-Act Information
Rock County Performance Time - 1:30PM at Lyons-Decatur Northeast
Only household members of each school's cast and crew will be allowed to attend. You must contact Mrs. Fischer or Miss Kustka to let us know if you need to be on the sign-up sheet. Admission is $5 for Adults and $4 for Students. You are allowed to stay for the Rock County Performance only.
Directions: Stay on 77 to Lyons and turn west onto Diamond Street. Turn right onto 5th street. (They say putting the school address in google maps takes you to the middle of nowhere.)

Rock County Public School is yellow on the risk dial but Rock County is orange as a county. While the county is orange, masks will be required of all visitors in the school buildings.

As we all prepare for celebrating the holidays, I want to remind everyone to be safe. When we return to school, please keep in mind that kids and staff should stay home if they are not feeling well. The risk of spread will be higher during and directly after the break and we are doing everything we can to remain in person for school. Have a great Thanksgiving break!