Varsity Volleyball Triangular Information for tomorrow night @ Stuart.
1st match begins at 5:00 p.m.
#1 ---Stuart vs. Ainsworth
#2---Ainsworth vs. North Central
#3---North Central vs. Stuart

JV Triangular Information for today at Rock County: 1st Match starts at
4:00 p.m. with other games to follow.
Game 1: North Central vs. Boyd County
Game 2: Boyd County vs. Ainsworth
Game 3: Ainsworth vs. North Central

Brackets for the JH Volleyball Tournament at Rock County tomorrow.

Volleyball Games tonight at Rock County. Games start at 5PM
C-Team followed by JV then Varsity

Reminder: Homecoming Parade will begin at 1:15 on Thursday, October 1st. BGS Students will be shuttled to the high school on their floats and Junior High/High School students will get on their floats at the high school. All students will return to their school upon conclusion of the parade and they will be dismissed from their school building. BGS parents, please notify your child(ren)'s teacher(s) to let them know where they need to go or if they will be picked up at the grade school upon dismissal.

Live Stream for tonight's Varsity volleyball games at Valentine.

Upon conclusion of Rock County Public School's homecoming parade on Thursday, October 1, school will be dismissed. All students will return to their school upon conclusion of the parade and they will be dismissed from their school building. BGS parents, please notify your child(ren)'s teacher(s) to let them know where they need to go or if they will be picked up at the grade school upon dismissal.

Menu change for October 1st -
Instead of Mexican Bake we will now be having
Nachos - Fruit - Vegetable - Milk

Information for the Volleyball Triangular at Valentine on Tuesday, Sept 29th. (The JV and C-Team will be playing Valentine at the Middle School)
Starting at 5:00 pm CT. The following is the schedule for the triangular:
Varsity at the High School:
Match #1 - Valentine vs North Central
Math #2 - Cody Kilgore vs North Central
Match #3 - Valentine vs Cody Kilgore
C-Team/JV at the Middle School
C-Team game followed by the JV game.

Monday, Sept 28th - Games with Boyd County @ Keya Paha
Starting at 3PM -All other matches to follow!
JH Volleyball - 7th Grade/B-Team
JH Volleyball - 8th Grade/A-Team
JV Volleyball (Best 2 of 3 sets)
C-Team Volleyball (If JV goes 2 sets they will play 2 sets, If JV goes 3 sets they will play 1 set)
Starting at 4PM - JV Game will start after the JH Game
JH Football
JV Football

Update for the Cross Country Meet on Monday, Sept. 28th
New Schedule
12:00 PM - Class D Boys
12:30 PM - Class D Girls
1:30 PM - Class B Boys
2:00 PM - Class B Girls
3:00 PM - Class C Boys
3:30 PM - Class C Girls
4:30 PM - Class A Boys
5:00 PM - Class A Girls

This is where you watch today’s HS Volleyball matches. LIVE.SMCARDS.ORG

Information for the Ansley Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, September 26th.

Just a reminder! Volleyball and Cross Country Parent's Night will be held this Thursday at Rock County! We will announce parents of both sports between the JV and Varsity matches with CWC. First match begins at 5:00PM.

Order of games for tomorrow's triangular at O'Neill St. Mary's
Game 1-- 5:00 pm:
St. Mary’s vs. North Central
Game 2-- 6:15 pm:
North Central vs. Boyd County
(North Central will be the home team)
Game 3-- 7:30 pm:
St. Mary’s vs. Boyd County
Please remember that guidelines that were previously posted. Only parents, grandparents, and siblings of players are allowed into the games.

Link for Friday night's live stream. North Central @ Burwell 7:00PM

Ainsworth was having technical difficulties. Try these links.

Just got a live stream link for TONIGHT'S FOOTBALL Game!!

We have added a JV FOOTBALL game to the schedule. The JV boys will be traveling to Ewing for a 6:00PM football game with Summerland on Monday! (Monday, September 21st)

Free Meals for all RCPS students