Colome has to move a HS football game to Monday night. Therefore, our JH football game has been moved to Tuesday. The JH volleyball game is on Tuesday. BOTH games will now have a start time of 6PM.

Rock County Public Schools are in yellow. If you have not provided a note from a medical professional exempting you from in-person learning, you are once again required to attend in person. If you are not attending, you will be counted absent. Masks are still required.

St. Mary's Triangular Information for Tuesday, September 22
Please note that they are limiting fans/spectators. Each varsity volleyball girl needs to get their list to Coach Sybrant.

Ainsworth Middle School Volleyball Tournament Information
7TH GRADE/B-TEAM PARENTS: Ainsworth Community Center does not have space for social distancing. The decision was made to let the kids play but there will not be spectators in attendance. Ainsworth is working hard to have all of those games live-streamed. The 8th Grade/A-team games will be held at the high school and the same guidelines will apply as previously posted for parents/fans.

The Spitfires are hosting a "Pink Out" for the volleyball game hosted by North Central Knights in Springview, October 13th. Shirts are $25 for the general public and $15 for fall athletes and team members. Order deadline is September 30th at noon. Sign up sheets to order your shirt are available by contacting:
Sue Swim or Vicki Ferguson at 402-497-3716
Tammy at KP County School 402-497-3501 or [email protected]
Brandi at RCHS 402-684-3411 or [email protected]

Info for the Football Games at Neligh on Friday night.

Just a reminder that tonight's volleyball games are to be live-streamed at Twin Loup. North Central plays the 6PM and 7PM matches.
Games will be broadcast on the Twin Loup STRIV channel: https://striv.tv/channel/twin-loup/

The Volleyball Games with Elkhorn Valley on Thursday have been cancelled.

Just a reminder for tonight.
All North Central fans are to enter the NORTHWEST doors that lead into the elementary. North Central fans will use the restrooms on that side of the building where they entered. There will be a concession stand at that entry for the fans also. Please use social distancing when possible and masks are highly recommended.

The Neligh-Oakdale Post Prom is hosting a Tailgate Party Friday, September 18th during our football game in Neligh. Hamburgers and Brats will be served out of their concession stand beginning at 6:00 p.m.

New Guidelines for the Ainsworth Triangular
North Central will not be playing any JV matches.
All North Central fans are to enter the NORTHWEST doors that lead into the elementary. North Central fans will use the restrooms on that side of the building where they entered. There will be a concession stand at that entry for the fans also. Please use social distancing when possible and masks are highly recommended. If you are unable to make the matches or would prefer to stay home here is the link to watch the live stream: https://youtu.be/m5vJ_qM8MBE

Twin Loup Triangular Info

Rock County Public Schools received more information from the health department. At this time, they are not recommending we provide remote learning for our students. However, as a precaution, we will provide remote learning through Wednesday, September 16 for students if their parents choose this option. The health department stressed the use of masks and social distancing as much as possible and did not feel like there is an enhanced danger to our students if they are in the buildings learning. Students will NOT need headphones at this time but they may need them in the future. Thanks for your patience with this situation as the information is changing pretty quickly. Again, please call BGS or RCHS in the morning if you are choosing to have your child(ren) do remote learning for the next week.

It is recommended that junior high and high school students bring headphones that work with their iPads for the learning environment we are in for orange. You may want to make sure to label them for easy identification.

NCDHD has released the risk dial for Rock County and the county is now in orange. Rock County Public Schools risk dial will now go to orange. The implications of this on our families is that you now have the option of remote learning for your child(ren). If this is what you would like to do for the education of your child(ren), please notify the school in the morning by calling BGS or RCHS and the staff will work on providing the materials your child(ren) will need. In-person learning is still an option and if your child(ren) participate in extra-curricular activities, they need to be in school. More details will be sent out in regards to students in activities tomorrow. Masks are still required of all students and staff.

One Act applications are located by the Art Room. They are due back to Ms. Kustka by Friday, September 11th.

Ainsworth C-Team Triangular

The C-Team Volleyball Triangular that is on the calendar for Monday, Sept 21st was put on the wrong day. This triangular is this coming Monday, Sept 14th. North Central will play the last two games. Starting around 6pm.

Live stream for Ainsworth Triangular
The varsity games on Thursday will be livestreamed at this link:

Reminder: School pictures will be taken at BGS tomorrow for all students PK-12 and staff that missed the original picture dates. The high school will provide transportation for the 7-12 students who need pictures taken. Pictures begin at 9:00 a.m. at BGS.